The newer version of Xojo with unfinished API 2.0 is not useful as I am not going to rewrite all my projects to conform to the new API. Then downloading a older copy that uses API 1.0 but which will work with the third party add-on. To use this 3rd party add-on now requires buying Xojo all over again. Geoff must think everyone just picks up bushel baskets of money growing from trees in their yard. Xojo and the 3rd party of course didn't bother to mention that in the first place. The 3rd party publisher has already abandoned supporting versions of Xojo using API 1.0 thus it will not be fixed. Already a 3rd party add-on I purchased directly from the company's website does not work with my version of Xojo even though the product says it works with API 1.0. Once again the company is trying to rebrand its product by coming out with API 2.0 under the guise of helping it users. They also change what is included in each version so while you may have purchased what was considered "pro" before its now no longer "pro" and they now expect you to hand over even more money.
Prior to this if you owned an earlier version you could pay a upgrade fee, but now they expect you to buy the product again by paying the full price over again. I stop upgrading the product after they announced a sale of upgrades and then announced new pricing which did away with upgrades. That speaks volumes and blame lies with the guy that runs the company - Geoff Perlman. The product is now nearly 25 years old yet it remains a insignificant programming language with few users. The current TIOBE list of the most popular programming languages currently lists 150 products and Xojo is not found there. These rebranding were design to distance themselves from their past misdeeds and reputation of the product. Years later the company rebranded the product Real Studio. The company now called Xojo purchased CrossBasic and rebranded is RealBasic.
#XOJO 2014 VERIFICATION#ģ1607 All: Crypto.RSAVerifySignature no longer throws an exception when verification fails.ģ2341 All: Fixed a crash with strings that would occur on OS X given certain memory allocation patterns.ġ3053 All: Getting the type info of a Report no longer raises a NilObjectException.ģ1962 All: Introspecting the introspection classes no longer leaks implementation details.ģ1968 All: Introspection no longer shows computed property getters and setters as MethodInfo objects.ģ1423 All: PostgreSQL dylib is no longer included when you compile for and use SQLiteDatabase in a project.The product was invented by a third party under the name of CrossBasic.
This also more generally affects plugins that depend on classes in other plugins.ġ9146 All: Setting a shared property via introspection no longer crashes.Ģ759 All: Setting property values via introspection now does proper type checking when the property's type is an object.ģ1280 Compiler: An error is now reported when a label is defined multiple times in a single function.ģ1514 Compiler: Fixed a bug that would cause CType to generate incorrect code if the value passed in was already of the requested type.ģ1787 Compiler: Malformed property declarations like "blah(33( As Integer" no longer cause syntax errors in the wrong place or cascading errors.Ģ0414 Compiler: No longer gives incorrect errors when parsing a structure field that has no type specified.ģ2048 Compiler: The stack is now 16-byte aligned on all platforms.Ģ3656 Compiler: Variant properties with default values now work correctly and don't cause crashes.ģ1190 Console Debugger Stub: Path Parser no longer hangs if a UNC Remote path is given for the downloads folder.Ģ6219 Database: MSSQLServerDatabase now works with MS SQL Server 2012 (it worked previously only if you had an older SQL Native Client installed like MS SQL Server 2008).Ģ6701 Database: MySQLCommunityServer: after RecordSet.Update is called we can no longer guarantee the contents of the RecordSet, so we now clear the contents instead of leaving it in a bad state where the same record continues to be updated.ġ0788 Database: OracleDatabase: inserting, updating, and retrieving an Oracle date now properly inserts/updates/retrieves the time.ģ2253 Database: PostgreSQLDatabase no longer returns wrong double values on Windows 8 if the localization uses a non-period decimal sign.Ģ9581 Database: SQLiteDatabase: RecordSet now supports updating/deleting a record on a table that has a compound/composite key.